Monday, 15 July 2013

Project Update 1: Plan for Filming

Film Planning

Me and Charlie ( are planning on filming our trailer today (Monday 5th July). As the cast is small, we will be starring in it. We will also enlist the help of our friend Connor Froy, who has a lot of acting experience. His CV can be seen below:

Name: Connor Froy

Height: 6'1
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Build: Medium / Slim
Agent: RAPA
Experience: 'Speed Dial' 2013
                 RAPA Experience 
                 David Bowie Productions
                 VNA Festival
                 Move It Exhibition
                 Extra in 'Skyfall' (2012)

Audition Pitch: 
'I'm the perfect height for the character, as well as having the confidence to pull off the role. The character has an air of arrogance, which i believe i will be able to pull off in my  portrayal of the Anonymous man'


Running Man #1: Sam Richards

Runnning Man #2: Connor Froy

Renton: Charlie Palmer Cogan


1) Running Shot

2) Behind head lay down shot

3) Face Up Shot (Move head from left to up)

4) Face Up Shot (Look left again)

5) Cut to Running Shot again

6) Face Up Shot (Move head from left to up)

7) Face Up Shot (Look left again)

8) Behind head lay down shot

9) Mid shot of lay on tracks

10) Face Up Shot (Look left again)


Script (With camera shots)

3) Some practical joke eh?

6) The Train will be due any time now, if its not late that is! haha!

7) *Whistles* Don't Smoke, smoking can seriously damage your health, don't drink and drive. Take plenty of exercize. Don't let drugs screw you up.

8) And don't let your mates tie you to the rail way track.

10) yeah, most of all, don't let your friends tie you too the railway tack! *scew eyes up and flinch*

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Possible Music for my Trailer

Films from the genre of Social Realism / British Gangster films tend to use British music from the sixties. Music like this is used to celebrate British culture and to give the films target audience a sense of nostalgia. Music from artists such as:

The Yardbirds: 'Heart Full of Soul' (London Boulevard) 

 The Animals: 'Please Don't Let me be Misunderstood' (Layercake)

Other films such as 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' and 'Snatch' use music from a wide range of generations. yet again, music like this is used for both a sense of nostalgia for the films target audience, as well as the films directors (Guy Ritchie) motif. Music such as:

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

James Brown: 'The Boss' (Predominately a 70's Artist)

The Stone Roses: 'Fools Gold' (1989)


The Specials: 'Ghost Town' (1981)

10cc: 'Dreadlock Holdiay' (1978)

Mirwais: 'Disco Science'

Trainspotting Trailer Locations #3

Location: Lennard Road / Richmal Crompton Fields
For Shot: Wide angle on tracks

Trainspotting Trailer Locations #2

Location: Oakley Road, Bromley
For Shot: Wide Angle on tracks

Trainspotting Trailer Locations #1

Location: Orpington, Poverest Park
For Shot: Wide angle on tracks

Decision for Trailer Task

I decided that the best trailer to re create would be the second trailer. Due to the many limitations in the longer trailer. For example: we do not have access to a car or a flat. Also, the second trailer has shots with meaning and depth. Such as the wide angle shot, when the three characters are running over the track. 

Trailer Breakdown #2: Trainspotting

Trailer Breakdown #2: Trainspotting

  • 1. Poly Gram Indent. We can take this from the trailer, or create one in either Adobe Photoshop or After Effects.
  • 2. Wide long shot showing the three main characters running along a train track. When we film this, we will not be able to use a real train track due to safety reasons. 
3. A low angle, over the shoulder shot showing Renton looking to his right. He then turns to face upwards.

4. A close up shot of Renton. He is looking directly at the camera.

5. The camera cuts back to the wide shot seen in number two. The camera cuts back to Renton as he looks back to the camera. 

6. Similar shots are used between the close up of Renton, such as the windmill shot. This is symbolic of how Renton is bored with the repetition of everyday life. 

7. A wide and side on shot is used to reveal that Renton is laying across the train track. He looks left, right and up, and the camera follows his vision and cuts to a shot accordingly. 

8.  In the same close up shot, Renton flinches and the titles flash across the screen and continue to fly past. This is to symbolize a train, most probably killing Renton. 

9. The trailer ends with some indents, such as; 'Trainspotting', 'From the makers of; Shallow grave' and 'AT CINEMAS FEBRUARY 1996'


Trailer Breakdown: Trainspotting Trailer #1

Trailer Breakdown: Trainspotting Trailer #1

  • 1. Poly Gram Indent. We can take this from the trailer, or create one in either Adobe Photoshop or After Effects
  • 2. This mid shot looking up at Renton running highlights the importance or status of Renton within the film. Colours date the film, connoting that its shot in the early 90’s late 80’s, reflecting the “zeitgeist”.
  • 3. Camera tilts up from the feet running towards you, the audience feel inferior, creating interest in what’s happening. Music builds pace, increases curiosity. The beat of the music (lust for life- Iggy Pop) fits with the running of the feet.
  • 4. Wide shot of the group running away under bridge getting smaller- contrasting from their stature at the start; they begin to look small in relation to a strong concrete bridge. You realise they are not as powerful as they first appeared to be. Also the bridge could be interpreted as “seeing light at the end of the tunnel.” Which is a visual motif framing the film, as Renton tries to escape a life of heroin.
  • 5. Mid close up of Renton laughing into the car makes the audience feel like the person in the car; the man leaning over the bonnet laughing appears un-fazed by being hit by the car. He’s invincible. It connotes that Renton can’t be knocked; whatever happens he’ll pick himself up and keep going.
  • 6. Long shot, low angle, long shot, long shot/mid shot, action shots of the group during football game – showing their character, you have the ta onell, the loud one, the fierce one, the joker, the realist etc. A lot of back lighting on Sick Boy. The framing for each shot represents the characters personality or possible characteristics.
  • 7. Tilt up at the female characters. They are not important in the film, but they play a part. The camera suggests they are an “add on” to the entourage.
  • 8. Man falls to the ground and the audience begin to feel a part of the film. Mid close up silhouette of man’s side profile (head and shoulders). He is a silhouette, so the audience still can’t make out exactly what he looks like.
  • 9. Match on action of man’s fall. Close up, as smoke exits man’s lips. The smoke could be a metaphor for his lack of drive in life, as it leaves his body and lingers.
  • 10. 180 degree rule as camera pans over his body.Out of focus on his body focusing on the images in the background. Drawing attention to the squalor in which he lives. The back light dims the tone of the room.
  • 11. Camera pans down the wall “welcome to mother superiors” -the very basic swamp green wall and dark lighting connotes a deeper light with colours that suggest a unhygienic dirty world, or a darker power within. The words in the sentence support this and suggest that there is a god involved. In this case they all worship Heroin and the shots to follow compliment this statement.
  • 12. The camera pans across the baby in one doorway then tracks into the heroin in the next room. This shot is clever and highly symbolic.,  It shows the fine divide between reality and a source of release. It also contrasts the story of life, showing a fragile innocence in one doorway and a corrupted life dirtied by narcotics in another. Furthermore, it connotes two possible paths for Renton.
  • 13. Bird’s eye view of man on floor, this shot follows on from the last, supporting the statement that there are two lifestyles in one household. This shot is within the heroin doorway, with only a brick wall dividing from the naive innocence of the baby. Spud is establishing the typical household routine, and is framed by the rule of thirds.

Trainspotting Trailer #2

Trainspotting Trailer #1

Re-make Of Trailer: Trainspotting

Re-make Of Trailer: Trainspotting

Me and Charlie have decided to continue our work from AS, and make another project inspired by the genre 'social realism'. This is not finalised, however it is more than likely that we will choose this genre. We produced a teaser trailer for our AS project, for a blog post. This can be seen below:

For A2, we must first show our understanding by re-creating an old trailer. We have decided to film the trailer from Danny Boyles 'Trainspotting' (1996).

Trailers: Moodboard (Social Realism)

Trailers: Moodboard (Social Realism/Gangster)